Nevada Bankruptcy Court: How To File For Bankruptcy In Nevada

Nevada Bankruptcy Court: How To File For Bankruptcy In Nevada

Planning to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Nevada? We understand you might feel a little…overwhelmed. Take a deep breath. Here’s a step-by-step guide to preparing yourself for bankruptcy court. Find out where to file Nevada has only one judicial district, but it is comprised of two divisions: a Northern Division and…

Benefits of a Reaffirmation Agreement In Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Benefits of a Reaffirmation Agreement In Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is the most common type of bankruptcy filing for consumers. It allows individuals, married couples, and even companies to eliminate – or “discharge” – most kinds of unsecured debt. Secured debts such as home and auto loans work a bit differently, though. When filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, debtors must present a…

What Are Common Nevada Bankruptcy Exemptions?

What Are Common Nevada Bankruptcy Exemptions?

Getting successful results for your Nevada bankruptcy means knowing what exemptions exist and using them to your advantage. It’s essential to understand the exemptions to know what to expect in your bankruptcy proceeding. The Nevada bankruptcy lawyers at Deluca & Associates answer all your questions about common bankruptcy exemptions. About Bankruptcy Exemptions What Is a…

7 Mistakes To Avoid When You File Bankruptcy Yourself

7 Mistakes To Avoid When You File Bankruptcy Yourself

Revisiting an area we’ve already discussed, you may still be debating whether filing Chapter 7 yourself is the right option. It’s still best to work with an attorney, but if you decide to attempt to file on your own, you should be aware of the most common mistakes that jeopardize self-filed bankruptcies. Here are seven…

Why Americans Are Carrying Less Credit Card Debt

Why Americans Are Carrying Less Credit Card Debt

It’s no surprise that Americans lost overall wealth during the Great Recession. Jobs were harder to come by, investments faltered and housing prices stagnated. Though we are now on the upswing, the downturn affected how consumers make purchasing decisions, from buying fewer luxury goods to taking out fewer loans. A recent Federal Reserve study showed…

Court Decision Offers Hope in Student Loan Bankruptcy Relief

Court Decision Offers Hope in Student Loan Bankruptcy Relief

A recent bankruptcy case indicates there is hope for individuals filing for bankruptcy with student loan debts. A 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals partially discharged the student loans of Michael Hedlund after a 10 year battle in court. Ordinarily, debt from student loans cannot be discharged through the normal bankruptcy process. For student loans,…